In this special edition newsletter from ChildHub an overview of, and updates from the LEAP project are shared.
LEAP Against Sexual Violence (2015-2017)

Aim: Support children and young people affected by sexual violence in Europe by strengthening and facilitating participatory practice.
Countries: Bulgaria, the Netherlands, Romania and the UK
Partners: Barnardo's, Pulse Foundation, Terre des hommes Romania, Stichting Alexander, Terre des hommes Regional Office for South Eastern Europe and Eurochild.
Main funder: Rights, Equality and Citizenship (REC) Programme of the European Union
Project lead: Kate D'Arcy
Project activities include:
- Developing a training programme for sexual violence specialist support services to promote participatory practice with children and young people affected by sexual violence.
- Building capacity and sustainable professional support networks to promote participatory practice through facilitating communities of practice.
- Developing a 12 week life skills and leadership programme toolkit for children and young people affected by sexual violence.
- Training Youth Facilitators to co-deliver the programme with partner organisations.
- Supporting children and young people to develop youth-led projects through creative tools such as film and art which will help protect other children and young people and challenge stigma.
- Building the evidence-base through research and evaluation.
- Facilitating European knowledge exchange through the dissemination of freely accessible tools and resources.
In this special edition newsletter from ChildHub an overview of, and updates from the LEAP project are shared.
In this episode Dr Kate D’Arcy, Senior Research Fellow at the International Centre, shares with us some of the key learning from the LEAP Against Sexual Violence project, which supports children and young people affected by sexual violence by strengthening and facilitating participatory practice in the UK and in three European countries.12 minutes.
This review is part of the Life Skills, Leadership and Limitless Potential (LEAP) project. This literature review concentrates on the nature and scope of participation of children and young people who are affected by sexual violence and receive services relating to this.
This review formed part of the Life Skills, Leadership and Limitless Potential project (LEAP).The aims of this literature review were to; review the global literature on life skills and leadership initiatives for vulnerable and/or hard to reach children and young people, including relevant projects that aim to prevent sexual violence and take a participatory or peer-led approach within their work; collate existing information about the value of life skills and leadership projects and programmes in order to inform the plans for participatory and creative workshops to develop the LEAP toolkit and; provide case studies illustrating what we know about life skills and leadership training for vulnerable children and young people.
This guide seeks to share tips, tools and stories of change from the project in order to enable others to set up their own communitiesof practice and strengthen commitments to participatory practice when supporting children and young people affected by sexual violence.