
Zimbabwe has 4 members

Saliwe Nkomo

Development Researcher and Consultant
Women's University in Africa - PhD Student

Discipline Areas: Human/children's rights;Social research;Education
Research Interests: Child and family research; Child protection and safeguarding; Research methods; Childhood vulnerability and resilience

Christopher Zishiri

Women's University in Africa, Post Graduate Centre

Discipline Areas: Psychology; Political Science;Education
Research Interests: Child sexual abuse/exploitation; Childhood vulnerability and resilience; Research methods

Everjoy Magwegwe

PhD Candidate
University Durban University of Technology

Discipline Areas:
Research Interests: Child sexual abuse/exploitation; research methods

Trudy Nyakambangwe

Child and Youth Care ( full time) PHD student with Women’s University in Africa- Department of Child Sensitive Social Policy

Discipline Areas: Human/children's rights;Health;Social research;
Research Interests: Childhood vulnerability and resilience ;Child sexual abuse/exploitation;Child and youth mental health;