'Say Something if you Know Something' consultation with young people

NWG Network would like to get feedback from young people about their campaign to raise awareness about sexual exploitation in the UK.
The NWG Network: Tackling Child Sexual Exploitation (NWG) are in the process of pulling together information for a national UK campaign to raise awareness about sexual exploitation. It will tie into the Say Something If You See Somethingcampaign but will be developed specifically to raise awareness with young people.
After an initial consultation with a small group of young people, NWG Network would like to get further feedback from other young people.
The NWG Network are keen to reach as many young people in the UK as possible. There are 11 questions in the questionnaire and a section for any further thoughts that young people feel may be important to consider when putting together a campaign.
Contact Nikki, nikki@nwgnetwork.org for a copy of the questionnaire before the 27th of June 2014 .