Young people discuss sex and relationships at the Children as Actors for Transforming Society Conference in Switzerland

In July a group representing the University of Bedfordshire travelled to Caux on Lake Geneva to attend the Children as Actors for Transforming Society Conference (CATS).
The young people travelling to the conference had been involved in two different projects that had been supported by the University - the 'Be Healthy' project and the 'gang associated sexual exploitation and violence' project. Each group facilitated a session at the conference where they introduced and screened the films they had made. The sessions demonstrated how young people can get involved in challenging sexual violence and improving responses for other young people. Following the screening, the young filmmakers took part in a Q&A with the audience.
Conference delegates attending the 'Be Healthy' film screening made a number of positive comments including: 'we need this kind of project in the Czech Republic' and 'really useful and practical thanks!'.
Those attending the 'gangs, sex and relationships' films - when asked how to engage young people in social issues - expressed ideas including'creating communities where young people can live, work and learn from each other - great session' and 'I think art is also a powerful way to address those issues'.
Read more about the CATS conference