Exciting new project for young people in the UK - seeking expressions of interest

AVA is really excited to have been commissioned by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) to recruit and facilitate an External Reference Group (ERG) of young people who have been affected by child abuse and neglect.
AVA strongly believe that young people's experiences and voices should be at the heart of any meaningful guidance and look forward to starting this innovative work.
As such AVA are looking to recruit up to 15 young people from across England and Wales to be part of this influential group. If you would like to know more about the project please read the additional information and complete the expression of interest form if you would like to nominate young people from your service.
If you have any questions about this please contact Jo on joanna.sharpen@avaproject.org.uk
Please note the deadline for forms has been increased to Weds 29th April 2015.