Registration now open!

Registration for the event 'Young people affected by sexual violence as change-makers in prevention efforts: What are the opportunities and what are the risks?' is now open.
This event will take place on the 28th September at Cumberland Lodge, Windsor in the UK. The conference will address the following questions:
- What are the benefits of, and opportunities for, young people affected by sexual violence engaging in participatory prevention activities?
- What are the ethical challenges that this work poses? This will include issues such as safety, risk of re-traumatisation, anonymity versus acknowledgement, stigma and identity.
- What are the possible legal implications of this work?
- Does social media present new opportunities for engaging young people in participatory projects or simply pose new risks?
During the conference we will hear from experts in the fields of child and youth participation, sexual violence and creative arts-based participatory approaches. This will include presentations from :
- Gerison Lansdown, an international children's rights consultant and advocate who has published and lectured widely on the subject of children's rights
- Helen Cammock, project manager at PhotoVoice an organisation that utilises participatory photography with marginalised groups including young people affected by sexual exploitation and violence.
- Professor Jenny Pearce, Director of the International Centre: Researching Child Sexual Exploitation, Violence and Trafficking at the University of Bedfordshire
Other presenters from academia and practice will also share their learning and thoughts around engaging with young people affected by sexual violence.
The cost of attendance is £45 and covers registration, lunch, the evening lecture and dinner at Cumberland Lodge.
Register now as there are limited places available.