Survey for young people by young people exploring peer support

A new survey created by young people for young people to gather information to support a new project focussing on peer support designed by young people in the UK.
The survey aims to get a better idea of the support that young people (aged 12-25 years old) receive from their peers.
Using young people's responses, the young people leading the project will develop a new resource about how young people can support each other in a safe way.
Access the survey:
Prior to this, both of the young people were Health Advocates on the Be Healthy project
The Be Healthy Project brought together young people from three different cities in the UK; London, Derby and Leeds. Although the project has come to an end two of the young people have the opportunity to create another resource and are really excited to be able to continue their work together.
They would really appreciate it if you could pass this survey on in the knowledge that the outcome will benefit both services and young people.
Please share widely with your networks!
They are also looking to run focus groups with young people about peer support. If you are interested and can help them set these up, please email: