Tell us what you're doing!

Are you a young person (under 25 years of age)? Have you taken part in an initiative to raise awareness about sexual violence? Have you been involved in making a film or app, delivering training or contributing to an exhibition on sexual violence? Have you been involved in creating resources for other young people or professionals? If yes, then we want to hear from you!
- Italian version
PDF 327.3 KB
- French version -
PDF 207.0 KB
- Spanish version -
PDF 219.0 KB
What do we want to know?
As part of this project we want to hear from you! We want to gather information about, and map how young people across Europe are getting involved in sexual violence prevention work.
We want to know:
- Why young people are getting involved in sexual violence prevention efforts
- What activities you are involved in (e.g. writing blogs, starting campaigns and groups, training professionals, educating peers, developing resources, speaking out about sexual violence etc.)
- Where these activities are happening (locally, nationally or regionally, online or offline)
- What you are learning from getting involved
- And what messages you have for policymakers, funders and other professionals working in the field.
Why do we want to know about your work and what will we do with this information?
- We want to start to document what is happening in Europe by young people
- We will share the information through a new website that we are developing, through the 'Our Voices' network via e-bulletins and through a publication highlighting young people's work
- We may invite some young people to lead a webinar so that they can share more details about their work with the 'Our Voices' Network
- If funding is secured, we will try and bring some young people together for a young people's forum to discuss young people's involvement in preventing sexual violence in Europe.
Submission guidelines:
Submissions should be either written or take the form of a short (less than 4minutes) film. Written submissions should:
- Be about 500 words in length
- Be authored by a young person or group of young people
- Use clear and accessible language
- Share concrete examples of how young people have been involved in a sexual violence prevention initiative
- Provide some context – why did this project begin? why did you get involved? What did you do?
- Outline what you think the impact of your involvement has been – have you made a difference? Have you learnt anything or developed new skills from getting involved?
- Be in English, French, Italian or Spanish
Please note that we may edit written submissions for clarity and grammar.
Please send submissions to Samantha Wilson and cc in by 11 September 2015.