Youth Partnership Project for Child Survivors and Youth at Risk of Commercial Sexual Exploitation (YPP) in the Ukraine

This Peer Support Programme used peer-to peer education to build young people's capacity to lead and manage projects and contribute to decision-making.
The All-Ukrainian Network Against the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC) is a member of ECPAT International. The network was founded and coordinated by the International Women Rights Center La Strada Ukraine in 2004. Since 2013, the Network has been coordinated by the NGO 'Faith.Hope.Love.'
During 2009-2013 the Network implemented ECPAT's Global Youth Partnership Project against (CSEC) in three regions in Ukraine. Under this project a number of Youth Motivators and Peer Supporters have received training on a range of issues and have been involved in a number of advocacy activities to counter CSEC.
The Peer Support Programme used peer-to peer education to build young people's capacity to lead and manage projects and contribute to decision-making. Peer Supporters have also been trained to mentor and listen to young people victimised or at risk of CSEC. The main focus of the training has been on providing background information on the issue, developing communication and leadership skills and exploring the concepts of resiliency, recovery and reintegration.
During this time the National Referral Mechanism for victims of CSEC was established. Peer Supporters also played a key role in identification and referral of victims to competent local authorities.
Youth Motivators and Peer Supporters have also been involved in developing and implementing 'micro-projects'. These micro-projects include:
- Holding poster competitions, developing games and holding concerts to mark the anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
- Planning information and media sessions to mark the European Internet Safety Day and to raise awareness of child sex tourism
- Organising a training session on how media technology can be used to promote child rights
- Implementing a national campaign to collect more than 55,000 signatures under the Petition to Stop Child Sex Trafficking in 13 regions in Ukraine. The petition, together with the youth-developed recommendations, was delivered to the Child Rights Ombudsperson and decision-makers in the country.