Research study on peer support models - Call for evidence

The International Centre: Researching child sexual exploitation, violence and trafficking (IC) based at the University of Bedfordshire, UK, is coordinating a research study exploring peer support models with young people who have experienced sexual violence. This research is part of a project entitled Our Voices Too, funded by Oak Foundation, that aims to promote the involvement of young people affected by sexual violence in research, policy and practice.
We are seeking your assistance and would be grateful if you could forward us information about documents and/or related materials on peer support models with young people who have been affected by sexual violence (or related issues). This may include journal articles, conference papers or presentations, research reports, project reports, evaluations, websites and existing guides or toolkits.
In the context of this study, ‘peer support’ may include a variety of models that rely on peer-to-peer interaction and support such as: one-to-one or group-based peer support, peer-led self-help groups, peer mentoring or online support.
We are particularly interested in exploring the following questions:
- What do peer support models for young people (aged 10-24) who have experienced sexual violence look like and involve?
- How are peer support models experienced and received by young people, parents and practitioners?
- What role do peer support models play for young people affected by sexual violence (e.g. wellbeing)?
- How are peer support models initiated, supported, monitored and ended?
We are primarily looking for materials from across Europe. All evidence included in the review will be fully cited.
Meanwhile, if you are aware of relevant work that has been undertaken (or is being undertaken) but is not yet published, the research team would also be pleased to hear from you.
Online survey: In addition to the call for evidence, an online survey is available on the Our Voices Research and Practice network for professionals or volunteers that wish to share their knowledge and experience of peer interventions. The online survey can be accessed here.
Deadline: The deadline for the call for evidence is 31 March 2019.
Contact: To share examples of work or if you have any further questions about this work please contact: Delphine Peace /