Event: Facilitating youth participatory action research with young survivors of trafficking and sexual violence in Albania

Join us online on Wednesday 6 October at 10am BST/11am CET to hear all about ‘Small Steps Can Make a Big Difference’ - a collaborative pilot project being undertaken by the Safer Young Lives Research Centre (SYLRC) at the University of Bedfordshire and NGO Different and Equal. This youth participatory action research (YPAR) project is exploring young people’s perspectives in relation to seeking justice and support in the aftermath of sexual violence and exploitation in Albania.
In this 90 minute session, Dr. Silvie Bovarnick, Research Fellow at the SYLRC and Mariana Meshi, Director at Different and Equal will share emerging learning from this study including how to: navigate the ethical and practical intricacies of group work; train young people with no prior research knowledge or experience to become researchers; address ethical issues in relation to anonymity and confidentiality; safeguard and support participants including responding to needs arising from individual trauma histories; and manage risks and tensions between ‘protection’ and ‘participation’.
There will of course be time for questions and reflections.
The webinar will be taking place on Zoom and the link can be found below:
Topic: Webinar: Small Steps Can Make A Big Difference
Time: Oct 6, 2021 10:45 AM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 961 4161 6319
Passcode: 779810
If you are planning to attend and haven't already let us know, we would be grateful if you could let us know as soon as possible, so we have an idea of numbers. You can do this by emailing Claire Soares at: claire.soares@beds.ac.uk.